
Sustainable packaging innovations to watch out for in 2021

As e-commerce continues to grow exponentially in the post-pandemic times we live in, the need for smart and sustainable packaging has become more acute than ever. Both brands and consumers are actively seeking ways to reduce their environmental footprint and make eco-friendly transitions to more sustainable packaging methods. Maximizing the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials various innovative alternatives have cropped up. From using PET resin and polyester fiber and pulp to even mushroom roots, here are a few sustainable packaging innovations that are  expected to stick this year:

Eco-friendly inks

Have you ever thought of what goes into the inks used for printing across packaging and how that breaks down in the environment? Small prints are often dangerously toxic. These are traditional petroleum-based inks containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are harmful to the environment.

Alternative biodegradable inks are not only easier to de-ink during the recycling process, but they also have the same high-quality color vibrancy and aesthetic appeal. With the eco-friendly ink market growing at over 4.5% yearly, some of the up-and-coming alternative inks include:

sustainable packaging innovations - plant ink
Source: BigCommerce

Source: Kickstarter

Source: LiveInkTech

Plant-based packaging

Plant-based packaging options have seen massive growth. With materials made of biological sources. These range from seaweed and mushrooms to corn and food waste. However, the right packaging option depends on the product being packaged or shipped. For instance, for food, the material in question (bioplastics is a good alternative) must protect the product without affecting its flavor. Bulkier goods require a durable plant base like mushroom and cornstarch.

Usually, byproducts of industries like agriculture, help minimize supply chain waste. For instance, compressed plant fibers like coconut and mushroom filaments can be utilized in e-commerce businesses as biodegradable packaging alternatives. As an alternative to plastic poly mailers, compostable mailers are made from corn starch.

This bio-based polymer utilizes only 0.05% of the annual global corn crop, thus serving as an incredibly low impact design. Ecovative Design’s mushroom-based packaging called MycoComposite has been adopted by IKEA in its initiative to reduce wastage. Grown in a controlled environment, the packaging can grow around a mold, which then exactly fits the product.

Large global brands like Coca-Cola, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Ford Motors, and Heinz came together in collaboration in 2012 for a Plant PET Technology Collaborative (PTC) that focuses on integrating the use of 100% plant-based fibers and PET materials in their products. Today, large firms across the globe have adopted plant-based packaging for their products:

Edible Packaging

Made of biodegradable, natural, and plant-based components, edible packaging can be consumed to be eaten- eliminating the need for waste management. Comprising zero-waste packaging materials, it is an ideal option for retailers selling food and beverages- even serving as a great addition to already delicious edible offerings. A few examples include:

Loliware straws behave like plastic for 24 hours when wet but degrade within 2 months.
Source: C&ENNews

Plant your package!

Ever heard of planting your packaging? Plantable packaging does exactly that! Packages consist of materials that can be planted, having seeds embedded in them that customers can go on to plant when they’re done using the packaging. This packaging is great for lightweight and small items like cosmetics and jewelry. They can also be used as product wraps or fillers. For instance, Pangea Organics collaborated with Seeds of Change and UFP technologies to create the first 100% compostable and plantable packaging.

Manufactured aiming towards zero waste, once the product has been used, consumers soak the product’s fiber box that contains seeds, plant it in the soil to eventually find it sprouting medicinal herbs. Bloom Chocolates are another example of products using plantable packaging. Their biodegradable chocolate packages contain seeds of the flavor of chocolate like mint, rose, etc., thus bringing their product to a full circle with one more plant.

Lightweight Packaging

Reducing the overall amount of material used while packaging alone has become a fast incorporated sustainable strategy for brands. This not only decreases greenhouse gases used in product distribution, but lighter goods also weigh less which saves fuel while transporting and saves costs. Reducing shipment sizes includes using fewer filler materials and purchasing smaller packaging supplies.

Playing around with size and positioning fits products into smaller packages. For instance, disassembling furniture parts while shipment and selling are some of the basic examples of reducing packaging for a large product. One can explore ways of positioning, folding, and bundling products to save space and snugly package them in smaller boxes.

Biodegradable and compostable alternatives for plastic

Substituting plastic packaging with biodegradable alternatives that can be composted is the way forward. These packages are often made from plant-based polymers which can break down in the composting process. The quality and materials determine their breakdown in a commercial or domestic compost facility within 90-180 days. A few examples of compostable wrapping alternatives include:

Advanced packaging design

Designing a package suitable for reuse and recycling can be done by keeping the post-use purpose in mind. For instance, H&M designed a shopping bag that, once used, can be used as a clothes hanger. Made from less material than the traditional H&M bag, the paper used is 80% recycled. Targeting an age group between 18 and 35, their young consumer base is conscious of their environmental footprint and these initiatives further encourage brand loyalty.

Vienna-based jewelry studio Sheyn offers simple and elegant designs utilizing 3D printing for their products. This technology renders their product entirely sustainable. Further, for their packaging, their eco-mailer box uses 80% recycled material and an online editor to incorporate their unique design into packaging with a memorable unboxing experience. This strategy further serves to engage consumers throughout their product purchase experience.

Utilizing paper, pulp, or cardboard and other alternatives for sustainable packaging also open the doors to a variety of innovative design that not only optimizes the packaging material used but also attracts more customers. For instance, this shoe and bulb packaging not only looks unique but is also lightweight and optimizes on space and material. Packaging design is a crucial aspect of packaging that can make or break product purchases, quite literally.

Sustainable packaging innovations have greatly expanded giving rise to some wonderful out-of-the-box alternatives. Adopting sustainable packaging innovations helps resolve multiple issues. From tackling rapidly changing climate, air, water, and soil pollution to rising temperatures, and species extinctions. Savvy brands are already employing sustainable packaging practices as it not only boosts their brand’s environmental impact but also helps increase corporate social responsibility and support communities by creating gainful employment and resource conservation.

Netscribes’ innovation research and market intelligence solutions allows organizations to stay on top of emerging trends for a competitive advantage. To know how you can best leverage this winning packaging trend or know what industry front runners are doing to capitalize this space, contact us.  

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